Sunday, August 21, 2011

Precious ever in life

hang out

my bff

another bff

and him :)

Minggu Yang Stress

 pergh da berhabuk sudah page ni, tuan punye blog da malas sgt nak update sebb life dia ta lari jauh pun. balik2 kesitu jugak aktiviti dia. huhuhu so ade sket mase terluang ni saje nak ucapkan Selamat Berpuasa Semua Umat Islam walaupun da nak abes pon Ramadhan but like I care la kan. asalkan wish. huhuhu :) so , tomoro is the beginning of my stress I have 1 quiz and another 1 is common test . so so so .... is the weeks that i have to do more revision and study even i just take only 2 paper for diz sem. fuhh leteh ckp omputih nie. h a h a h a ! ! ok then continue so next my activities is do more revision about account subject n btw my lecturer just giving me a bit encourage .. She said " za i know that u jarang datang kelas n i tau u ta study pon but im a bit disappointed of u coz even mcm tu pon kuiz u still got 69%.... imagine that if u rajen dtg kelas u rajen study i guarantee 100 just in your hand " Fuhhhhhh.. tenkiu miss for ur encouragement. i do hope i will get A for this quiz.. ( just hope :p) so za u must not give up, just do ur revision even u feel like nak muntah darah pon atas buku tu kau kene kuat semangat!anggapla kalau kau ta lulus kuiz and test ni seperti kau ta boleh nak raya taun ni hohoh ok then merepek kejap dlm ati :) ok tu jela kot... bye ! :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

kejadian sebulan lepas ~

hahah benda da lame gile da boleh cite dlam national graphic kot. ok just nak update sket pasal ktorang means aku, diya and jojo release stress kat ulu yam.. then we all merayap2 sana sini.. so far best. so far release. even have some part ta berapa nk best pon.... and actually jalan2 ni mmg buat otak ktorang 3 org lega nak mampus rase mcm tade masalah pon... and hopefully after pose ni nak repeat lagi trip ktorang.... :) ok just lyn gmbar ye.

told yaa its really cool ok :)

gmbar nak beriya.. padahal air ta percik mane. hahah layan
